jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011


According to Miles and Snow (1986) virtual team is an evolutionary form of a network organization, authors use advanced information and communication technologies to interact, members seek to collaborate productively while geographically dispersed.
Virtual teams are groups of people working on interdependent tasks, geographically distributed, conduct their core work mainly through an electronic medium and share responsibility for team outcomes. Although a virtual team is an evolutionary form of a network organization, new forms of organizational governance may have profound implications for both job content and security. In the other hand Henry and Hartzler (1998) define a virtual team as a group of people working closely together though geographically separated and may reside in different time zones; also as “cross-functional workgroups brought together to tackle a project for a finite period of time through a combination of technologies.” Virtual teams may therefore work across distance, time, and organizational boundaries (Langevin, 2004, p. 3)

According to Powell, 2004 virtual teams represent one such organizational form, one that could revolutionize the workplace and provide organizations with unprecedented level of flexibility and responsiveness.
in a virtual team, the members have to take into account some dimensions:
  • communication
  • understanding
  • role clarity
  • leadership attitude
  • well-planned monitoring mechanisms

is the evoking of a shared or common meaning in another person. exist some barriers for communication:
  1. physical separation
  2. status differences
  3. gender differences
  4. cultural diversity
  5. language
Middle management communication and interaction practices and their influence on employee satisfaction and motivation:
Strong managerial communication skills and interactions are essential leadership behaviors, yet despite an explosion in communication mechanisms available, employees have continued to experience increased separation from management because of ineffective communication practices.

Accroding to Kuruppuarachchi (2009), what benefits and problems arise as a consequence of
the creation of virtual team? Identify five each. Based on this, explain how to make the transition from a more traditional team structure to the more distributed team

the benefits of creating virtual team are:
  • all members are from different locations (have different beliefs,ways of working)
  • members are communicated through media as computers,virtual committees and mails
  • the team task is so structured so it is neccesary coordination
  • The availability of a flexible and configurable base infrastructure is one of the main advantages of agile virtual teams.
  • they save time and improve aspects because of the interaction with different people

the problems of creating virtual teams are:
  • those are geographically dispersed (over different time zones)
  • Driven (or guided) by common purpose
  • Involved in cross-boundary collaboration
  • Small team size
  • It is not a permanent team, so team members may belong to different companies
to make a transition from a more traditional team structure to a more distributed one the leader has to
their opinions and suggestions , cares about member’s problems, gets to know
them, expresses a personal interest in them and defines responsibilities of all members and
exercises authority, all those aspects in order to create a new organizational structure where members can create and offer new ideas and opportunities to the organization, and finally asign task and research to each member to achieve goals.

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